Sitemap - 2023 - B2B Products OS Newsletter

What is not changing in 2024 for product managers?

Understanding JTBD to create friction free products

PM in Startup vs Mature companies

A band aid is better than bleeding

Consider RAT instead of MVP

Categories of value propositions

Defending your B2B Product against revenue threats

Product drivers that impact profitability

Top 10 revenue killers in B2B SAAS

Churn to Earn - products role in managing retention

Skipping newsletter today..for peace

The Crucial Role of Customer Feedback Systems in B2B Product

An experience with customer experience

Do you struggle with internal persuasion?

You have a product, I need a solution

How did management consulting help me as a B2B PM

How to look at Growth as a B2B Product Manager

Hallmarks of good and poor B2B product teams

Need a quick input

The ugly truths of Enterprise B2B sales

Hello again from Products OS - B2B

B2B startups guide to the first customer pitch

Product Manager's Guide to Commanding Presentations

How technical should a B2B Product Manager be?

Becoming a whole product manager

B2B Product Management and my intro

Sources of Competitive Analysis for B2B product managers (Part 2)

Competitive Analysis for B2B product managers (Part 1)

Bridging the Confidence Gap: How Young Startups Can Win Over Enterprise Customers

Importance of personas in product design

The power of starting up in a niche

Not all pain points are worth solving

The 7 disciplines of a mature B2B Product organization

Finding the fit in Product Managers and their Ethos

Hiring and interviewing for the right fit

Introducing Myself and my Product Management Journey

How company cultures impact your performance

Communicating product value to internal and external stakeholders

Growth strategies for product managers

Defending your competitive positioning in B2B

Differences in Product Management in startup vs mature companies

Black Hole Customers – A necessary evil

B2B Design has lagged behind B2C and has heavy costs

Maximizing Product Success through Effective Stakeholder Management

Bottom line growth for Product Managers

How product managers can help grow top line revenue

The Mantra of Productization

MVP or Version 1.0?

The First Steps While Starting up your Startup

A Band Aid is better than bleeding