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A newsletter that covers all things Positioning for founders, marketers and product folks. I'm April Dunford - a positioning expert, consultant, author of the books Obviously Awesome and Sales Pitch, and host of the Positioning podcast.
Positioning is an important skill to know for a PM. It's not just for marketing. April is the best thought leader on this topic.
Is your Alexa listening to you? Why did you get that ad for toothpaste after only looking at it at Target? I unpack the daily mysteries of privacy + tech while providing actionable advice for you to protect yourself online.
Hannah is an expert on the topic of data privacy. You can learn about personal data and data security from her.
In this newsletter, I share my own thought pieces from what I'm seeing out in the field, as well as updates on my podcast discussions with a diverse cast of characters from around the world of product management. Join us and get inspired!
Apart from being funny, I find Jason's newsletter very actionable and I learn a ton reading.
Actionable B2B (Product-led) Growth and Senior Leadership advice for founders and C?Os in tech who want to connect their product to revenue at scale.
Bringing growth and product together with 25 years of operator and executive experience.
Highly recommended for product managers and growth managers. Leah's content is refreshing and very useful. Something you can apply today.