Products OS Newsletter

Every week, I share my experiences in the messy world of B2B Product Management. I write about product strategy, growth, GTM, prioritization, roadmap, competitive analysis, stakeholder management and anything required for a successful product organization. In other words, the operating system of product management.

My mission is to transform product teams in B2B SAAS to become more outcome oriented and deliver business results.

Posting Schedule

My current schedule is to publish an article every Tuesday at 10 am PST.

And every Friday I share a curated set of gems from the PM universe.

If you have not yet subscribed, please do so now. You can also connect with me on social. Links below.

Some Highlights

Growth PM

The 7 disciplines of B2B Product Management

Understanding Growth

Growth Strategies for B2B Product Managers

Product Strategy

Not all pain points are worth solving


PM Guide to crafting commanding presentations


How to do competitive analysis

About me

My name is Deepak Deolalikar. I have lived in the San Francisco Bay area since 1995. I grew up in New Delhi, India.

I started my product journey in a startup called iCharts in 2009. Prior to that I was in Big 5 consulting for over 12 years. I even had my own startup in my early days when I was still in New Delhi. How I landed up in the PM role is a story I mentioned here.

After iCharts, I joined SugarCRM where I was fortunate to launch multiple products. Most recently, I helped Brightedge build a new marketing automation product which went to beta to 25 customers.

I am a coach at the UC Berkeley PM Studio program and an advisor at the Berkeley Skydeck accelerator. I have advised 8 startups and over 50 product managers.

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Follow me on social where I write almost every day.

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I write about building and selling B2B SAAS Products for early stage startup founders.