Hey PMs
A gem from the PM world.
This one is a life related gem.
How to design well lived life.
Have you been in a session like this?
Career Counselor: "What are you passionate about?"
Job Seeker: "I don't know."
Career Counselor: "Well, come back when you figure it out."
(quoted from the book)
“Find your passion” is bad advice, especially for young people.
My theory - You cannot find passion. Passion finds you.
In 2009 I was laid off at the height of the credit crisis. It was a relief. Why?
I had always wanted to be management consulting. In 1996 I joined KPMG and I loved the job for the first 6 years. I was promoted a couple of times, learnt a ton about working in enterprises and made a lot of friends.
(I have a beer group of buddies who still meet quarterly).
Travel was nice. (The most luxurious was flying business class and staying at The Fairmont in Qatar)
Things changed starting in 2004 or so and suddenly I was not enjoying it as much. I realized quickly enough that I am not made for a partner track. (Watch “Partner Track” on Netflix to know what I mean).
So I knew I had a problem. Unfortunately, I chose to solve the problem by a wrong method. I moved to similar company with the same role.
The next 2 years were the worst. Mostly because I was questioning what I was doing. Rather than solving the problem, I looked for solution.
Then the lay off in Feb 2009. It was such a relief. I took some time off. This time more conscious of what I wanted to do.
I was hanging around the library in the self help section and found a book. “What should I do with my life” by Po Bronson. Anyone who feels they are lost in life or generally unmotivated, should read this book.
I wanted to join a startup. Eager to apply my newly learnt 4 steps by Steve Blank. And that opportunity came in July 2009 when I started at iCharts as employee #2.
Suddenly, there was a purpose in life. I was eager to get to work on a Monday morning. For 6 years.
This new passion was building new products that customers find value from. There is a kick I get of building something from 0 and getting it into the hands of customer who then find value.
I recently came across this book “Designing your life”, which talks about how to how to design a well lived and joyful life.
If you want a purpose driven life that motivates you and does not feel like you are working, then read this book.
It’s a gem.
And yes, passions change as you age.
I have a new passion now in teaching and coaching. It’s a work in process. But at least I am not mumbling about a boring life. It’s something I am looking forward to.
Here is today’s gem -
“Designing your life”
by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans
And the link to buy the book.
Check my new 3 day Bootcamp for early stage B2B startups.