3 Gems from around the (PM) world - Vol 4
Learning product strategy of popular companies, Future of PMs in AI world, Power of staying put
Hey PMs
Happy Friday. Here are some things I found of immense value about product management. Hope you find them useful too.
Gem #1: Product Tear downs
Gem #2: How PMs will work in the age of AI by Marty Cagan
Gem #3: Power of staying put by Morgan Housel
Gem #1: Product Tear downs
This is an interesting web site. It has case studies for many popular products like Spotify. You can use this to learn of companies similar to yours have grown and do product strategy.
Gem #2: How PMs will work in the age of AI
Marty Cagan recently wrote about the changes to product management work in the age of AI. Specifically he talks about the role, and how organizations will adapt to work. There will be some casualties but overall product work will get elevated.
Gem #3: Power of staying put by Morgan Housel
We all understand compounding. Small increments add up and compound over time. Morgan Housel claims compounding happens not just with money but skills and experiences. In this podcast, he discusses the power of staying put. We all leave our jobs every few years, and sometimes we have to. He argues that there is power if you just remain longer in one company. Here is the episode link.
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Understanding Different Types of Product Managers
I am available for coaching and advisory for B2B product teams and startups. Here are some things I can help.
Align business strategy to product strategy with revenue growth
Assess your product processes and recommend areas of improvement
Design product analytics for growth
Let’s start with a free 30 min intro call.